Before the Dust Settles #5: Lush

Posted: Tuesday 12 April 2016 by Sub Speed Media ... Labels: ,

Before the Dust Settles is a series of instant gig reviews, written immediately after the show and limited to 200 words.

Band: Lush
Venue: Oslo, Hackney
Date: 11th April, 2016

This post comes with a spoiler alert and those of you who are planning to see Lush over the next few months and don't want to know the make-up of the set should hit "back" right now.

Tonight was a big deal as it was nearly 20 years since Lush's last show and people were crammed in to this 400-capacity venue to see what was effectively a warm-up for a world tour. After a low-key entrance with Miki making a comment about her hair not being red anymore and telling us to "get over it", they launched into 'DeLuxe' - one of their very finest tunes. It's a great opening; the band sound like they haven't been away and they proceed to play a 20-song set compiled from all of their records, including the fine new single 'Out Of Control'.
Having said that, the Split album gets the most attention, as do the early EPs (Scar/Mad Love), but they only played 'Ladykillers' from their Britpop period. It felt like they may be using this tour to re-position their legacy away from Britpop towards the post-mbv, post-Cocteaus sound of their earlier records. I didn't expect the set to be skewed this way, so I was pleasantly surprised, and my three favourite moments were that opening 'Deluxe', the main closer 'Sweetness and Light', and the strobe-heavy 'Leaves Me Cold' as part of the first of two encores.
I left the packed sweaty venue with a smile on my face, delighted that they have returned. Now go and see them!

Someone has posted the setlist here and much of the video footage has made it to youtube.